
2024 Give A Ham Challenge


This year, the Minnesota Pork Board is proud to participate in the National Pork Producers Council #GiveAHam Challenge!

By donating an 8-pound ham to a local food pantry, you’re providing 32 servings of protein, which amounts to over 6.5 meals for someone experiencing food insecurity in your community.

To serve our value of investing in people and communities, MPB recently donated over 91,395 meals to Second Harvest Heartland, the Upper Midwest’s largest hunger relief organization. This donation reflects the continued partnership between our Minnesota-based organizations, working together to provide high-quality protein and hunger relief across the state and strengthen communities.

By donating pork to local food banks and charitable organizations, the #GiveAHam challenge supports families facing food insecurity and encourages others to do the same.

Here’s how you can get involved this upcoming holiday season:

1. Donate pork to a local food pantry or organization. Not sure where your local food shelf is located?

Use WhyHunger’s ‘Find Food’ tool, here: Find Food

2. Share your story on social media using #GiveAHam and #PoundsOfPork.

3. Encourage family, friends, fellow producers, legislators and more to join in.

Lend a helping ham and bring home the bacon by giving the gift of pork this season! #GiveAHam #PoundsOfPork

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