How Are Pigs Raised?- Lesson Plan
A lesson plan about the raising of pigs to share in your classroom.
Everything But the Oink
The hog is serving essential human needs everyday. From the safe and high-quality product on your plate to a medical lifesaving device and everything in between.
Top Eight Major Swine Breeds
There are eight major breeds of swine that are commonly raised in the United States. Different breeds are better used for specific applications. Producers typically raise breeds that best fit their needs based on its qualities and physical characteristics.
Life Cycle of a Market Pig
The life cycle of a market pig lasts about 25 to 28 weeks or between six and seven months. They typically weigh 2 to 3 pounds at birth and are nurtured to their market weight of up to 280 pounds.
Pork History- Infographic
The U.S. produces 11% of the world’s pork. In 2022, U.S. pork exports surpassed $7.7 billion in value. In total, more than 2.5 million metric tons of pork was exported to other markets.
Pork Fun For Everyone – Version 2 Grades 4-6
A workbook with coloring sheets, fun facts, games, and more to help teach the joy of pigs to a grades 4-6 audience.